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Latin Extended C Block Unicodes

Property Value
◉ Latin Extended C ◯ Latin Extended E ◯ Adlam ◯ Aegean Numbers ◯ Ahom ◯ Alchemical ◯ Alphabetic Presentation Forms ◯ Anatolian Hieroglyphs ◯ Ancient Greek Music ◯ Ancient Greek Numbers ◯ Ancient Symbols ◯ Arabic ◯ Arabic Extended A ◯ Arabic Extended B ◯ Arabic Extended C ◯ Arabic Math ◯ Arabic Presentation Forms A ◯ Arabic Presentation Forms B ◯ Arabic Supplement ◯ Armenian ◯ Arrows ◯ Avestan ◯ Balinese ◯ Bamum ◯ Bamum Supplement ◯ Basic Latin ASCII ◯ Bassa Vah ◯ Batak ◯ Bengali ◯ Bhaiksuki ◯ Block Elements ◯ Bopomofo ◯ Bopomofo Extended ◯ Box Drawing ◯ Brahmi ◯ Braille Patterns ◯ Buginese ◯ Buhid ◯ Byzantine Music ◯ Carian ◯ Caucasian Albanian ◯ Chakma ◯ Cham ◯ Cherokee ◯ Cherokee Supplement ◯ Chess Symbols ◯ Chorasmian ◯ CJK Compatibility ◯ CJK Compatibility Forms ◯ CJK Compatibility Ideographs ◯ CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement ◯ CJK Radicals Supplement ◯ CJK Strokes ◯ CJK Symbols and Punctuation ◯ CJK Unified Ideographs ◯ CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A ◯ CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B ◯ CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C ◯ CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D ◯ CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E ◯ CJK Unified Ideographs Extension F ◯ CJK Unified Ideographs Extension G ◯ CJK Unified Ideographs Extension H ◯ Combining Diacritical Marks ◯ Combining Diacritical Marks Extended ◯ Combining Diacritical Marks For Symbols ◯ Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement ◯ Combining Half Marks ◯ Control Pictures ◯ Coptic ◯ Coptic Epact Numbers ◯ Counting Rod ◯ Cuneiform ◯ Cuneiform Numbers ◯ Currency Symbols ◯ Cypriot Syllabary ◯ Cypro Minoan ◯ Cyrillic ◯ Cyrillic Extended A ◯ Cyrillic Extended B ◯ Cyrillic Extended C ◯ Cyrillic Extended D ◯ Cyrillic Supplement ◯ Deseret ◯ Devanagari ◯ Devanagari Extended ◯ Devanagari Extended A ◯ Dingbats ◯ Dives Akuru ◯ Dogra ◯ Domino ◯ Duployan ◯ Early Dynastic Cuneiform ◯ Egyptian Hieroglyph Format Controls ◯ Egyptian Hieroglyphs ◯ Elbasan ◯ Elymaic ◯ Emoticons ◯ Enclosed Alphanumerics ◯ Enclosed Alphanumerics Supplement ◯ Enclosed CJK Letters and Months ◯ Enclosed Ideographic Supplement ◯ Ethiopic ◯ Ethiopic Extended ◯ Ethiopic Extended A ◯ Ethiopic Extended B ◯ Ethiopic Supplement ◯ General Punctuation ◯ Geometric Shapes ◯ Geometric Shapes Extended ◯ Georgian ◯ Georgian Extended ◯ Georgian Supplement ◯ Glagolitic ◯ Glagolitic Supplement ◯ Gothic ◯ Grantha ◯ Greek ◯ Greek Extended ◯ Gujarati ◯ Gunjala Gondi ◯ Gurmukhi ◯ Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms ◯ Hangul Compatibility Jamo ◯ Hangul Jamo ◯ Hangul Jamo Extended A ◯ Hangul Jamo Extended B ◯ Hangul Syllables ◯ Hanifi Rohingya ◯ Hanunoo ◯ Hatran ◯ Hebrew ◯ High Private Use Surrogates ◯ High Surrogates ◯ Hiragana ◯ Ideographic Description Characters ◯ Ideographic Symbols ◯ Imperial Aramaic ◯ Indic Number Forms ◯ Indic Siyaq Numbers ◯ Inscriptional Pahlavi ◯ Inscriptional Parthian ◯ International Phonetic Alphabet Extensions ◯ Javanese ◯ Kaithi ◯ Kaktovik Numerals ◯ Kana Extended A ◯ Kana Extended B ◯ Kana Supplement ◯ Kanbun ◯ Kangxi Radicals ◯ Kannada ◯ Katakana ◯ Katakana Phonetic Extensions ◯ Kawi ◯ Kayah Li ◯ Kharoshthi ◯ Khitan Small Script ◯ Khmer ◯ Khmer Symbols ◯ Khojki ◯ Khudawadi ◯ Lao ◯ Latin 1 Supplement ◯ Latin Extended A ◯ Latin Extended Additional ◯ Latin Extended B ◯ Latin Extended D ◯ Latin Extended F ◯ Latin Extended G ◯ Lepcha ◯ Letterlike Symbols ◯ Limbu ◯ Linear A ◯ Linear B Ideograms ◯ Linear B Syllabary ◯ Lisu ◯ Lisu Supplement ◯ Low Surrogates ◯ Lycian ◯ Lydian ◯ Mahajani ◯ Mahjong ◯ Makasar ◯ Malayalam ◯ Mandaic ◯ Manichaean ◯ Marchen ◯ Masaram Gondi ◯ Math Alphanum ◯ Mathematical Operators ◯ Mayan Numerals ◯ Medefaidrin ◯ Meetei Mayek ◯ Meetei Mayek Extensions ◯ Mende Kikakui ◯ Meroitic Cursive ◯ Meroitic Hieroglyphs ◯ Miao ◯ Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols A ◯ Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols B ◯ Miscellaneous Pictographs ◯ Miscellaneous Symbols ◯ Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows ◯ Miscellaneous Technical ◯ Modi ◯ Modifier Letters ◯ Modifier Tone Letters ◯ Mongolian ◯ Mongolian Supplement ◯ Mro ◯ Multani ◯ Music ◯ Myanmar ◯ Myanmar Extended A ◯ Myanmar Extended B ◯ Nabataean ◯ Nag Mundari ◯ Nandinagari ◯ New Tai Lue ◯ Newa ◯ NKo ◯ No ◯ Number Forms ◯ Nushu ◯ Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong ◯ Ogham ◯ Ol Chiki ◯ Old Hungarian ◯ Old Italic ◯ Old North Arabian ◯ Old Permic ◯ Old Persian ◯ Old Sogdian ◯ Old South Arabian ◯ Old Turkic ◯ Old Uyghur ◯ Optical Character Recognition ◯ Oriya ◯ Ornamental Dingbats ◯ Osage ◯ Osmanya ◯ Ottoman Siyaq Numbers ◯ Pahawh Hmong ◯ Palmyrene ◯ Pau Cin Hau ◯ Phags pa ◯ Phaistos ◯ Phoenician ◯ Phonetic Extensions ◯ Phonetic Extensions Supplement ◯ Playing Cards ◯ Private Use Area ◯ Psalter Pahlavi ◯ Rejang ◯ Rumi ◯ Runic ◯ Samaritan ◯ Saurashtra ◯ Sharada ◯ Shavian ◯ Shorthand Format Controls ◯ Siddham ◯ Sinhala ◯ Sinhala Archaic Numbers ◯ Small Form Variants ◯ Small Kana Extended ◯ Sogdian ◯ Sora Sompeng ◯ Soyombo ◯ Specials ◯ Sundanese ◯ Sundanese Supplement ◯ Superscripts And Subscripts ◯ Supplemental Arrows A ◯ Supplemental Arrows B ◯ Supplemental Arrows C ◯ Supplemental Mathematical Operators ◯ Supplemental Private Use Area A ◯ Supplemental Private Use Area B ◯ Supplemental Punctuation ◯ Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs ◯ Sutton SignWriting ◯ Syloti Nagri ◯ Symbols And Pictographs Extended A ◯ Symbols For Legacy Computing ◯ Syriac ◯ Syriac Supplement ◯ Tagalog ◯ Tagbanwa ◯ Tags ◯ Tai Le ◯ Tai Tham ◯ Tai Viet ◯ Tai Xuan Jing ◯ Takri ◯ Tamil ◯ Tamil Supplement ◯ Tangsa ◯ Tangut ◯ Tangut Components ◯ Tangut Supplement ◯ Telugu ◯ Thaana ◯ Thai ◯ Tibetan ◯ Tifinagh ◯ Tirhuta ◯ Toto ◯ Transport And Map ◯ Ugaritic ◯ Ugaritic Cuneiform Extended A ◯ Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics ◯ Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended ◯ Vai ◯ Variation Selectors ◯ Variation Selectors Supplement ◯ Vedic Extensions ◯ Vertical Forms ◯ Vithkuqi ◯ Wancho ◯ Warang Citi ◯ Yezidi ◯ Yi Radicals ◯ Yi Syllables ◯ Yijing Hexagram Symbols ◯ Zanabazar Square ◯ Znamenny Music

List of Latin Extended C Block Symbols

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What does Latin Extended C Block define?
This property defines the Unicodes which belongs to Latin Extended C block
Which symbols are listed under Latin Extended C Block?
Symbols like Ⱡ,ⱡ,Ɫ, etc. are listed under Latin Extended C Block.
What other Block are supported by Unicode?
Currently, as per latest version 15.0.0, Unicode supports 32 number of Block. Here are a few examples - Ⱡ,ⱡ,Ɫ, etc.
How many Unicode symbols are present in Latin Extended C Block?
32 of symbols are present in Latin Extended C Block starting with the Unicode point U+2C60 that represents the character Ⱡ.